nodag Fortran code for structure learning without imposing acyclicity
gclm R package to estimate sparse Lyapunov parametrization of covariance matrices
gmat (Authors: I. Cordoba and G. Varando) R package to generate graphically constrained matrices.
stagedtrees R package for staged event trees
Leaflet plugins and map visualization
map-viewer an Atom package for visualizing map.json file.
leaflet plugin to build a leaflet map starting from a configuration object that can be easily stored in JSON format (see map.schema.json).demo
leaflet plugin that load points from tiled csv files, using the amazing PapaParse library. demo
Multi level plugin for leaflet, the plugin define new methods for the Map object, a new control and new types of layers (
). The plugin has been developed to visualize multi-slice maps for example created from bio images (confocal microscopy).demo -
map.schema.json JSON scheme for leaflet maps.
A collection of old projects, probably not maintained
Application to visualize, edit and analyze spatial data. Developed using electrongui. download and user guide I am no longer directly developing MultiMap, if you want to use MultiMap capabilities I suggest you to use the electrongui app available for download here, then just manually install the extensions:
- mapextension
- imagejextension
- regionstatextension
Hopefully in the (distant) future, almost all capabilities of MultiMap will be replicated by the map-viewer atom package.
R packages
Rbmop Density and conditional density estimation with B-spline.
Rbnet Bayesian networks with B-spline densities.
ImageJ plugins
ObjCounter ImageJ plugin for object segmentation and counting.
MaxLoGs Maximum of Laplacian of Gaussian filters.
MapTools An ImageJ plugin to create and visualize maps (tileLayers).
Node modules
simple.graphs.js A simple simple graph utility in js
gmat-js A js port of some algorithm in the gmat R package.
electrongui is a skeleton for GUI written in JS/Node/electron framework. There is a partial online documentation.